16 Haziran, 2007

tra la la

"seems the road less traveled
shows happiness unraveled
and you got to take a little dirt
to keep what you love"
dedim. mehter takımı gibi 2 ileri 1 geri saymaya başladık.
pişman olduk.

sonra kendim çizdim yolumu. kimseye danışmadan, kimseye karışmadan.
içimi dışıma vurdum, oynadım oyunumu.
they get mad at me when i say "i don't know" but it's true.
so don't ask me, i know nothing
when i go to sleep
i just want to sleep
and not think of you
or not think of that
i just want to forget that there's no hope
for the time being

and don't wait for me
coz i feel nothing
when i .. la la la la

i'm covered in the sticky, yellow substance called emotion.
is it me or is it just hormones?

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