24 Mart, 2009

-happy endings- is just a movie..

but when i saw it, it made me laugh.. ok i also cried a little bit but its not the issue.. there was a comment in the movie, and i particularly find it to be hilarious -

[to Alvin and Bill on Otis being gay and a drummer]
Miles: Why do you think he's a drummer? So he can stare at our asses all night.


22 Mart, 2009

from a distant memory - 29.04.2007

"silence 'n peace is not just a dream"

from Robyn to the Futureheads

there was this song from a Sweedish Londoner, Robyn - it said:

maybe we can make it allright
we could make it better sometime
maybe we can make it happen baby
we could keep trying but things will never change

so i dont look back
still im dying with every step i take
but i dont look back
just a little little bit better

good enough to waste some time
tell me, would it make you happy baby?
we could keep trying but things will never change

so i dont look back
still im dying with every step i take
but i dont look back

and it hurts with every heartbeat (x4)

it suits me just 49%  but i like The Futurehead cover better..

21 Mart, 2009

god&adam&eve or the father, the son and the holy ghost

sessiz ve derinden ele alınmış bir yakın çevre incelemesi ve birkaç kitap karıştırmacanın sonunda vardığım noktaya, 'daha önce aklım nerdeymiş' isyanlarıyla, bir geçit töreni edasıyla, güle oynaya ama için için ağlayarak geldim. yolculuk zorlu geçti. fakat o son mola yerinde verilen çayın tadı damağımda kaldı.. 

temel olarak, insan dediğimiz fazla gelişmiş şey -ki aslında epey primitif varlıklarız- içe ve dışa dönük olarak iki ana gruba ayrılırsa, kadın ve erkek olarak nitelendirilebilir.

keza kadın olayları içine atar, zevki içinde yaşar, üzüntüyü içide yaşar. bu sebeple olsa gerek ki, tanrı kadının cinsel organını içerisinde konumlandırmıştır. bir kadına gerçek zevki yaşatabilmek için, içini bilmek gerekir - zira herhangi birini üzmek zaten çocuk oyuncağıdır.

erkek ise, daha çok dışarı dönük bir varlıktır. her sorusunun cevabını bulamasa da mutlaka dışarıda birşeyler arar. hiç olmadı ***ini sokacak herhangi bir delik arar. işte bu sebeple tanrı, sperma oluştursun diye yarattığı bu "şey"in hayatta hiç zorluk çekmemesi için, cinsel organını dışarıya, kolayca ulaşıp, hükmedebileceği bir yere yerleştirmiştir. 

kadın ve erkek dediğimiz bu iki cinsin birbirlerinden bu derece farklı olup, soylarını devam ettirebilmek için beraber olmaları gerekmesi sizce de ironik değil mi a dostlar..

19 Mart, 2009

fu*ck you very much

Don't tell me what to feel.

All my fuckin' life people have been telling me i do things wrong, i'm always the fucking asshole, and i look around and i see everyone else is infinitely more fucked-up than i am.

hommage à ma soeur


there will be a time when loud-mouthed, incompetent people seem to be getting the best of you. when that happens, you only have to be patient and wait for them to self distruct. it never fails..

13 Mart, 2009

I never forget a face,
but in your case
glad to make an

12 Mart, 2009

so true

i'm looking forward to it..

11 Mart, 2009


kelly demiş, walk away demiş

i wanna love
i want a fire
to feel the burn
my desires
i wanna man by my side
not a boy who runs and hides
are you gonna fight for me?
die for me?
live and breathe for me?
do ou care for me?
'cause if you don't then just leave

- e güzel demiş..

10 Mart, 2009

awareness is a bitch

i have realized that i blogged every other baby photo i see on the internet, so i just wanted to let you know that its not hormonal or anything.. i also shed a few tears every time i come across a baby photo on the web and its only because i will be left all alone when my sister goes off to college.. 

i fell inluv w/ a boi

according to Sarah Small, she examines human interactions with one another and with animals without reference to environmental cues or social markers like occupation, class and revealing context. while many of her scenarios are staged, the emotions that result - uneasiness, curiosity, sensuality, hysteria - are spontaneously captured and authentically experienced.

03 Mart, 2009

i'm plastic, it's fantastic

Lou Mora çekmiş,
ellerine sağlık diyelim..

25 Şubat, 2009


sabah sabah bir "şey" oldu içim/dışım..

bu formatta kocamı bekleyip..

modernize edilmiş 70'lerde yaşamak..

ve böyle olmak..

İS - Tİ - YO - RUM - !!


24 Şubat, 2009


16 Şubat, 2009

my, oh my..

somedays im a super bitch
next day im your super girl
and oh,
it keeps gettin' better..

13 Şubat, 2009


today John Maeda tweeted VISION as; 
Prediction (see the future) + Intuition (*feel* the future) + Realization (make the future)..

so, in other words; 
if you guess correctly + if you trust you gut feelings + if you act on it = you are a VISIONARY..

politically correct but wrong!

well, imagine:

 you and i are sitting across a table talking to each other. i assume you hear me, and that my words mean to you what they mean to me. i assume you see the expressions on my face and understand their implications. i assume you are enjoying the hint of caramel tea we share. when i shake your hand goodbye, i assume you feel my warm hand and know that i am calm.

meanwhile, you can't hear me over the furnace, and you forgot to put your contacts in this morning, so my face is a blur. you burnt your tongue on the teas so it tastes like nothing, and you only notice how cold and sweaty your own hands are when we shake goodbye. you feel guilty because you were distracted throughout the conversation; i reminded you of a childhood friend and your mind kept traveling back to old stories.

therein lies one of the ironies of human experience: you and i are NEVER really having the same conversation. never. assumptions are dangerous because they keep us from listening and paying attention. granted, we'll never gain total understanding of one another. but we can do a better job of understanding more. 

i hope we'll contemplate the power of assumption in our own lives and work, looking for places to assume less and observe more.

12 Şubat, 2009

him, as in the 3rd person

would you please take me away from this place, i cannot bear to see the look upon your faces.
and if there is some kind of God, do you think he's pleased when he looks down on us? - i wonder what he sees - 
do you think he'd think the things we do are a waste of time, or maybe he'd think that we are getting on just fine. do you think he's skint, or financially secure? and come election time, i wonder who he'd vote for.
ever since he can remember, people have died in his good name.
long before that September, long before hijacking planes.
he's lost the will & he can't decide, he doesn't know who's right or wrong. but there's one thing that i'm sure of; this has been going on too long.

do you think he'd drive in his car without insurance?
is he interesting or do you think he'd bore us?
do you think his favorite type of human is Caucasian?
do you reckon he's ever been done for tax evasion?
do you think he's any good remembering people's names?
do you think he's ever taken smack or cocaine?
i don't think he's ever been suicidal & his favourite band is Creedence Clearwater Revival..

11 Şubat, 2009

Gianluca Fallone

he loves money! so do i..
& i love him too..


as i was smoking on the fire escape i saw two cats on the roof..

good design is felt!

i came across some nice things today..

06 Şubat, 2009

one day..

im gonna erdogan on y'all.. 

03 Şubat, 2009

c'mon baby

nobody knows it but youve got a secret smile and you use it only for me, so use it and prove it, remove this whirling sadness, im losing, im bluesing - but you can save me from madness 
so save me, im waiting, im needing, hear me pleading and soothe me, improve me - im grieving, im barely believing now, now when you are flying around and around the world and im lying lonely, i know theres something sacred and free reserved - and received by only me

yo yo yo! mutherfu*kers..

i love them bitches*


thnx 2: davidlindseywade

29 Ocak, 2009


i cant decide which one to go with!?






NOBODY can teach me who 

on the subject of "happiness"

"if you want to buy happiness, you are much better off buying an experience rather than a thing. that's because a thing; like a car, new clothes, or cool gadget will always wear down, break down over time, while an experience, like going to Galapagos, or a great concert, will only improve over time. you'll always have it (Paris, bunjee jumping, that meal) forever. in the long run, an experience delivers more happiness per dollar. oh, and warm puppies and children are experiences, not things."

me too

happiness, by goldfrapp

here's what she says:

"join our group and you will find harmony and peace of mind,
make you better, we're here to welcome you.
we're all on a journey to finding the real inner you,
make you better (make you better), we're here to welcome you.

time stops still, when you've lost life,
happiness - how did you get to be
happiness - how did you get to find
love, real love, love, love, love

footing in the magic world, donate all your money,
we'll make it better (make it better), we're here to welcome you.
we can see a troubled soul, give us all your money,
we'll make it better (make it better), we're here to welcome you.

time stops still when you've lost life,
happiness - how did you get to be
happiness - how did you get to find
love, real love, love, love, love

we'll be swimming in the sea of wisdom and serenity,
make you better

happiness - how did you get to be
happiness - how did you get to find
love, real love, love, love, love"

she makes me happy!

28 Ocak, 2009


i have finally updated my blog and will begin posting again..

06 Ocak, 2009

what IS normal?

you make me crazy, jealous and paranoid. but i guess that's only normal when inlove. 
crazy: i can do anything, even the furthest distance seems much much closer.
jealous: well that's only when i cannot share you with anything/anybody else.
paranoid, is the word when, i think i'll die if i lose you.
true facts.
but at the end, if the other person has none of the above symptoms. than they're bored and they feel suffocated by your symptomatic actions and reactions.
then it's a pity.
true fact. 

05 Ocak, 2009

i used to spend my days sitting around, waiting for you. 
and now, i'm just sitting around..

-suz, luk

umutsuzluğumun kaynağı, beni bu noktaya getirmiş olan beklentilerim belki de.. mümkün olan her anını birisiyle geçirmek istemek, ama önemsediğin kadar öenmsenmemek karşılığında. belki de ifadesizdir diye ötelediğinde şeytanı, daha kırıcı tavırlarla sergilenmesi beraber olma arzusunun. ümitsizce çırpındığında çıplaklığa, ellerinin arasından kayıp gitmiştir çarpan kapının ardında.. şimdi dönüp bakıyorum. ölümüne sevmişim. yetinememişim. her anımı senle geçireceğim diye, sen de aynısnı istememişsin diye, farketmeden çok sıkmışım seni, hakkını yemişim.. eğer bir gün yeniden sen de hiç istemediğin kadar istemeye başlarsan her anını benle doldurmayı, umarım aramıza kimseler girmiş olmaz..

02 Ocak, 2009

ikinci bir çift laf

insanlar, senin onlara verdiğin kadar yer verirler sana hayatlarında. ben, bu güne kadar herkese kocaman yerler açtım. aynı şekilde kocaman yerler parselledim kendime. en azından öyle yaptığımı sanmışım. yazık. yersiz, yurtsuzmuşum meğer. 

01 Ocak, 2009


yeni yıla nasıl girersek öyle geçermiş bütün yıl. fuck! yalnızca ilk 8 dakika güzeldi, ama hiç de öyle devam etmedi, şu ana kadar. üzgün, dargın, kırgın geçen şu son 24 saat, senden nefret ediyorum. 
sus denildi, sustum. gel denildi, geldim. git denildi, gittim. bekleme, iste denildi, istedim. alamadım. aradığım o içtenliği, beklediğim sevgiyi bulamadım. belki de hiç "gerçekten" olmamıştı. sinirlendim başta, sonra kendi haline bıraktım, sonra üzüldüm. hala üzgünüm. ben mi beceremedim? yoksa hiç şans mı verilmedi? belki verildi de, ben farketmedim. farkındalık. bunu bana söyleyenin aksine çok da kötü anıları var bende, ama artık yeri ve sırası savıldı. "farkındalık" la düşünerek mi yoksa kafamda kurarak mı var-ıyorum sayım-larıma diye iç geçirdim. sen olsan, hep kendime yaptığımı söylerdin. sence bencilim. sence kıskancım. sence hainim. sence.. sence sen bana bir dolu ikinci şanslar verdin. sence sen bana hep doğru davrandın. sence sen hep haklıydın, hep dürüsttün, hep açıktın. bence sen bana o şansları verdiğinde, hiç "gerçekten" vermedin. vermiş olsaydın, herşeyi sil baştan önüme koymazdın. vermiş olsaydın, hala her yaptığıma, dediğime, yediğime, içtiğime, aynı önyargıyla karışmazdın. bence yapmazdın. ama yaptın. üzgünüm.
