27 Eylül, 2008
25 Eylül, 2008
teaching of the day..
A student asked Suzuki Roshi why the Japanese make their teacups so thin and delicate that they break easily. "It's not that they're too delicate," he answered, "but that you don't know how to handle them. You must adjust yourself to the environment, and not vice versa."
22 Eylül, 2008
mein mann
don't you worry my darling,
through the darkest night,
comes the brightest light,
and for I believe in you,
I see the light that shines,
that is deep inside,
it's who you are.
17 Eylül, 2008
16 Eylül, 2008
vivienne westwood
it was fullmoon last night,
and so i howled for a bit.
now it feels nice.

and look i found:

nice, isn't it?
15 Eylül, 2008
Happy. If I am happy, I do better work, and I am good to those around me. I owe others to be happy, so I should take the time to do things that make me happy.
13 Eylül, 2008
the summary of: last night & this morning
these days are gone loud enough to hold on
i think about the time we wasted, the years to come
its getting late and i cant call
i think about the time we wasted, my loneliness has slowly grown
i told you not cross the line and leave me with your love for granted
the letters from your broken heart, i think i might have lost them somewhere
don't tell me about your lies & secrets
my love is easy, you are everything i need
now your love is gone and i want it safe and guaranteed
life is such a fine line, looking at the bright side
i think about the time we wasted, for some day i'll be coming too
today is dying on its own and it doesn't matter right or wrong
as long as you are hiding somewhere
even though we've said it all
i would never let us fall with you
hang on to a little chance, you bet, I'm in
if its for better, i would never miss the call
its true..
12 Eylül, 2008
geçmiş zaman
biraz önce gözüm kredi kartı extremdeki taksit ödemelerinden birine takıldı -24 Nisan 08, Mediamarkt - Ümraniye, xx YTL'lik işlemin 5/5 taksidi- ve bir anda anımsadım o halimizi. yıl dönümümüze az kala, ben yine mutsuz, küsmüşüm sana. film seçiyoruz beraber izleyelim diye, hiç konuşmadan.
10 Eylül, 2008
today is..
its just one of those days
when you don't wanna wake up
everything is fucked
everybody sucks
you don't really know why
but want justify
rippin' someones head off
no human contact
and if you interact
your life is on contract
your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
its just one of those days
it feels awesome // it feels awful
değişmem için kendi kendime bıraktın beni,
bu değişimin çabuk ve iyi olmasını umduk ikimizde
-ya da en azından ben öyle düşündüm-
kendimle kalınca kök hücreyi buldum,
pembe/beyaz doldurdum
-iyi oldu
ama -çabuk?!
her geçen saniye aramıza yıllar koysa da,
herşeye rağmen diyebiliyorum ben..
bugün de sadece "önyargı"larımdan kurtulabildiğimden emin olmak için sordum sana
"önyargı"larımın tam olarak beklediği cevabı aldım
hiç şaşırmadım
biraz üzüldüm
ama kabullendim
bir tutam da inanç borç verirsen
teşekkür ederim.
08 Eylül, 2008
Dudley Moore
"So would you say you have learnt from your mistakes?"
Peter Cook
"Oh yes, I'm certain I could repeat them exactly"
in a similar vein, "Ever tried. Ever failed. Not matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." said Samuel Beckett. (Worst ward Ho, 1983)
-and better yet-
I've always liked W.C. Fields' more fatalistic update on Beckett:
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again. Then give up. There's no use being a damned fool about it."
biraz önce yine aradın
ve şimdi işimden gücümden düştüm
seni düşünüyorum
bir yanım kıpır kıpır
bir yanım duygusuz, umarsız
06 Eylül, 2008
'stay that way'
beni nasıl hissettirdiğinin nedenlerinin, benim kendi nedenlerimin farkında olmadan sana nasıl hissettirdiğimle bağlantılı olduğunu farkettiğimde, bu çok normaldi. kendi nedenlerimin farkına vardığımda, bu normalden çok uzaktı. nereden gelmişler, nasıl olmuşlar, nasıl oraya yerleşmişler.. içimdeki tavan arasını temizlemeye kalktığımdan beri normal kavramım bile değişti. tozlu kutular içerisinde neler neler saklamışım. bulduğumda kimi hüzünden kimi coşkudan ağlattı beni, kimi sinirden kimi mutluluktan güldürdü.
kendimden kaçmak için kalabalığa karışıp aklımı dağıtmaya çalıştığımda bile kendimle kaldım, ister istemez yüzleştim, çoktan atılmış olması gerekenleri attım, kalması gerekenlerin tozunu alıp güzelce yeniden kaldırdım.
başımın ağrısı biraz dinmişti ki telefon çaldı - inside, outside baby let your voice come through to me..
ve sesini duydum
teşekkür ederim.
- you made my day -
04 Eylül, 2008
teaching of the day..
i dont need another resolution to feel as though im going somewhere
at times the memories seem to be knocking at my door
ive seen the film a million times it feels like i wrote the storyline
no, i refuse to replay the mistakes that we made yesterday
coz i like tot think im stronger now - a victim of common sense-
the truth is that i know i still confuse the past with the present tense
condensing what we had to a single frame - that sticks in my mind
and as i try to move on the same image comes back every time
they were yesterdays mistakes
so forgive my selfishness ill be greatfull if you can
and forget my ingratitude you think im twice the girl i am
they say we should forgive but not forget what has gone before
and i refuse to replay the mistakes that we made yesterday
02 Eylül, 2008
if you gonna be creative, y'know
you're ultimately offering yourself as a sacrifice
a sacrifice of, channeling something, bigger than yourself
and existing at the same time, y'know
being measured upon your words
when you're channelling yourself at higher than your state
is a pre'serious, jump to take on
so, if they truly about, the word
poetry, singing, writing, and drawing and painting
or however it is, then y'know
want us to realize we're here to record ripples of vanity, y'know
ripples of mathematics, that's really what you're dealing with..
01 Eylül, 2008
dedicated to you

i met with you yesterday
we had another one of the same old fights
and we walked apart
but then you texted me
and i...
A lot of things have happened between us lately. It's been really really hard to keep it together and i've nearly lost my mind here and there and i know you have too. I don't know if you still come here and read this but i just wanted you to know something...
How i feel about you hasn't changed through all of this. If anything i love you more deeply than i ever have before. You're the most wonderful person i've ever met and you've touched my life in a way i'll never be able to put into words. When i'm with you i'm happy, when i'm in your arms everything else melts away. You're still the first thing that i think about in the morning and the last thing i think about at night and not a day passes where i don't think about you.
You're such a large part of my life and now that you've stopped being in it i don't know what to do. A huge part of me died and i know it just won't heal.
i love you today, tomorrow and always.
forever my friend, forever my love
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